Wednesday 27 March 2013

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technologies used in pre production:

- Adobe Premiere Pro: I used this to edit our preliminary, this was very interesting because I have never done any extensive and professional editing before with a good software, and I needed to gain new skills for my final product

Social Networking: I used Facebook to contact other members in the group. We mainly used private message, and this enabled us to create things such as a shooting schedule; because we all had to arrange a date that we could all film and edit on.

YouTube: This was used to upload the preliminary task. It was easy and very simple to use, and I already had knowledge of YouTube anyway, so there was no problems.

- Adobe Premiere Pro:- It allowed me to gain more editing skills and how to add good, relevant effects and transitions.
- I was able to create titles with new fonts, that are not basic.
- Social Networks: - It allowed me to communicate between the other group members, and this was handy because it made it easier to organise a date for film work.
- If we had any errors or problems regarded the process of the production, we were able to quickly contact each other.

-Adobe Premiere Pro: - The exporting took a very long time, and sometimes froze half through.
- Some of the transitions and effects were not  very professional and made our film look tacky, so we decided to take them out, and try to find a simple font.
- Social Networks: - One  of the members of our group, sometimes didn’t answer the messages, this made it harder to create discussions and creating filming schedule dates.
- YouTube: - It took the quality down of our production

Technologies used in production:
Camera: Samsung NX100

- Camera: - The shots were in high definition and this improved the quality of our footage and made it look more professional
-Tripod: - It made the shots more steady and made it easier to create a good panning shot
-Microphone:  The Microphone picked up sounds such as rustling very well, and you could clearly hear the dialogue

- Camera: - Sometimes when we wanted to shoot a new scene, it would not record, this made it difficult.
- Tripod: - It took a long time to set up
- Microphone: - It picked up a lot of background noises; however we already gained good technological knowledge so we were able to edit them out, and place new sounds above it.

Blogger is a blogging site that is used to write up things such as articles and pretty much anything and everything that they want. We used the website to write up the process of the film, and extra work, such as evaluations and essays. On my blog ( I have posted things such as, planning of our film, research findings, photos of our setting, our character, and initial ideas, and more. A blog was a good idea because it allowed us to look back on the research. I learnt that it was a good way to document my research on a website because it allowed me to have easy and convenient access to the information needed for the production of my film.

I’ve improved and feel more confident in:
I feel more confident creating footage, with more professional cameras and learning to create a steady shot.
During the construction of the product, I learnt how to effectively use shots
I feel more confident with video editing software’s
 I was able to gain more knowledge and skills for editing, such as slowing down and speeding up certain shots.

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