Wednesday 27 March 2013

Question 5: Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt a lot producing my project.  Looking back on my preliminary task, I have learnt various new technical skills and how to create a successful  product. My preliminary task was very boring and it had no creativity. However, in my full product I have made sure to keep consistent and keep the creativity to a good standard, for example by using fake blood and different camera angels and effects. Also for out prelim task we began filming without any planning, we then discovered our first idea for our product didn’t work and we had to come up with a new plan. This took up time but we didn’t want any clear or vital mistakes in our final product. I also found that it was very important to schedule time to re shoot shots that don’t fit in with the horror film genre, and to re do any continuity errors.

With our film we needed to take great care with mise en scene  whereas in our prelim task it wasn’t that important. We has to do a lot of extensive research to gain inspiration  because we had to ensure that it fit in with the horror genre and that signified todays era.  This made finding a location but since it is a horror movie we had to choose carefully where we filmed because we had to make sure that it was suited to the horror conventions; for example the woods.

Also the quality of my editing skills have significantly improving. For example in our prelim there isn’t any titles or  music in the prelim because I did not know to place titles or music into the product, but now that my knowledge has expanded I can use these both effectively . I have learnt a lot because I have made the final product run smoother through effects such as dip to black, these effects have made my media product more effective and professional.

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