Wednesday 27 March 2013

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

We believe that the main demographic who would enjoy our film is both genders ages between 16 and 19 we think this because, the film has a female lead and the men may feel as though she is attractive (Male gaze theory), and also females can relate to that character because she’s a generic teenage girl, there is nothing strange or different about her.  We chose the this age range because we feel as though it is appropriate and that many teenagers are attracted to the horror movie genre.
The demographic that we believe would enjoy the film the most through factors such as relating to characters and identifying themselves with the setting, for example our film is set in Britain and the target audience will identify themselves with that particular setting, you can tell that it is set in Britain because, of the accent and the country side this is a British signifier.
The Hypodermic Needle Effect affects the audience because this theory states that the audience takes in and believes the ideologies in all media texts. The messages within a media text are injected into the audience like a syringe. The audience are therefore powerless to resist, but it can depend on their views but there is nothing they can physically do about it.                                

For our film to be successful, it is important that we are aware of a specific target audience that we believe our film will appeal to specifically and the demographic that we believe would enjoy.

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