Wednesday 27 March 2013

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Distribution is when a company buys the rights to distribute a film and they have the film itself and they send it off to different cinemas and company’s all over the country
Film distribution:                                             
The media institution that could possibly distribute our media film, would be Momentum Pictures because they have distributed horror movies what are popular amongst teenagers such as ‘Woman in Black’   and ‘House at the End of the Street’. They also distribute in the UK, this would make it appropriate to distribute our film in the United Kingdom.

Online distribution:
Youtube have a service that you can upload a video and get monetised for it.  We could take this route if  we wanted recognition. Instead of uploading our entire film we have come to the conclusion that we will only upload the trailer. An advantage of Youtube is that it is popular so that we would be guaranteed to get a lot of views.  In addition,
Netflix is a service that allows you to watch films, though you have to pay a monthly cost of around £6 it is a very good service and we think it is a good service to use to distribute our films because it is because increasingly  popular amongst the teenage generation. The target audience for Netflix is around 16-18 and we know this through the article we read. We  We also conducted a survey in our media group and we found that 50% of the class use Netflix, whereas the service Lovefilm statistics have decreased so therefore that is why we believe that Netflix is a better service to distribute our film, it is becoming a lot more popular for the teenage generation. Myself being a teenager, I use Netflix and I believe that it is very good and effective for the film market. The main reason teenagers use Netflix and Lovefilm is because its available on different platforms and its very convenient.

Cinema distribution:
The cinema that could distribute our film could be ODEON. We chose this because it is popular amongst the teenage generation.

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