Wednesday 30 January 2013

Camera Shots/Movements

Oblique: Sometimes the camera is tilted to suggest imbalance, transistion and instablity. This technique is used to suggest point of view shots.

Types of Camera Movements:
  • Panning
  • Tilting
  • Travelling
  • Dollying in and out
  • Dollying/Tracking/Crabbing along side
Panning: Describes the location or follows the action, gets a much more wider shot of the scene
Tilting: Describes a person in raltion to the place they are in. Can be used to reveal a location in stages to build suspense or shock.
Travelling: Can create a first person perspective, put the audience in the eyes of the character
Dollying in and out: Depends on speed, dollying in to a still object can be quite unsettling if at speed and it emphasis the importance of the object, dollying builds up tension, and can make the place feel claustphobic and can make the audience feel pulled
Dollying/Tracking/Crabbing along side: Builds up anticipitation if you are dollying along with a moving object, describes the place but makes you feel like you are on a journey, to arrive to the next scene


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