Wednesday 30 January 2013

3 Stereotypical Characters

  • Female Victim - They are often portrayed as being vulnerable and need to be proteceted. The reprensentation of woman in horror movies started back when horror movies where made in the sexist era, and the idea of it continued and then became a key convention for horror movies. The character is normally a young girl who has blonde hair and is attractive, this help appeal to the male audience. The character is portrayed as being annoying and dimwitted and usually the one to be killed.

  • "Jock" or the Non beleiver - (often male) This character is portrayed as being cocky and at ease, and telling the other characters that they are over reacting and that nothing is going on and nothing serious will happen to them. Usually this character is very overconfident, which usually lead to them being the first to be killed. This affects the audience because they will listen to him and be reassured and therefore be somewhat calm about the situation. However, when the character is shortly after killed, the audience will panic and all sense of security has gone; nobody is safe.

  • Villian - This character can be in any form for example; serial killer, demonic possession, ghost, monster (vampire, werewolf, zombie etc.) If they are human, they will often wear a mask, disguising them completely of appearance or emotion, just like in Scream and this can affect the audience because it means that they can make no connection to them whatsoever. Wearing a mask also plays on the fear of the unknown.

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