Wednesday 20 February 2013

Prom Night Analysis

The film "Prom Night" is a horror and its poster is simple but yet very effective. There are a lot of mise en scene elements, such as props that connote to the target audience that it is a pure horror film that is aiming to scare its audience. The target audience of this film is teenagers and young adults, I know this because the title shows that it will have characters of the same/similar age to the audience and the events that may have or will experience for example, a prom.
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Firstly, there are 4 colours that are noticeable and they are; red, gray, white and black. This is effective because it makes the poster seem bright because the colours go together and the colourful elements do not draw the target attentions away from the actual image. The colour pallet is a signal of ahorror genre for the target audience because it is dark and therefore the audience has a sense of not being able to see the picture in its true light

The poster has a worn and damaged look to it and this suggest the possible struggle that the character is in. Also the poster doesn't have a glossy, pretty look to it and this is ironic because prom is supposed to be glossy, pretty and stylish, which the poster isn't and obviously the poster suggests that it's a bad night. The target audience would have to watch the film to see why a stereotypical glitzy and elegant prom would be disrupted.

The film poster has followed  the conventions of horror genre ad the victim is female.
Females are often chosen as victims in a horror film because they are generally classed as inferior, vulnerable and weaker than mean and this therefore suggest that they are more likely to be the one who is more likely to get attacked by the villain because they are vulnerable.

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The title is in red and this can be related to blood, passion and evil. The colouring makes the title stand out against the dark sinister setting but it does not steal the focus from the main picture because it is correctly sized and is in a basic font. The edges of the text is slightly blurred into the picture and in my view this gives off a feeling that the writing is glowing or that it could be written in blood and is now dripping down. This shows that the horror genre is targeting the audience by implying that violence and harm will be occurring during the film and that the person being harmed is the girl in the poster.

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In this picture there is what I would call a tiara and this is one of the main focuses of the poster and its cleverly used because the glamour is linked with fear. It is a stereotypical element of high school proms and this reinforces the setting of the title. The tiara is placed on characters head and the hair is untidy and this suggests that the character distressed and could of been involved in violence such as a struggle because the prop is displaced and her hair is messy. The tiara covers the characters eyes and this makes the audience focus on the mouth and her expression is linked with fear because it looks like she is screaming for help, or something similar.

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The expression of the character is the main focus point of the poster because it portrays terror and fear, and these two elements are very common and important to horror films and this factor of the poster displays the genre to the target audience. The mouth takes up a lot of the poster (around one third) and this suggest that its highlighting the importance and presents fear that will be created throughout the movie. In addition it looks like she is screaming and this expression would cause the target audience to imagine that she is in a distressed situation.

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At the bottom of the poster there's a short slogan or tag line which says "A night to die for" this is clever because its playing with words as it is a phrase that is used by the target audience but in this context the word "die" actually does mean "die" and that something is obviously going to happen. The tagline/slogan is placed under the title so it is the second the audience reads after the naming of the film. The text fits with the colour palette because it is in white and it helps stand out from the main title as well as the background itself

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