Monday 17 December 2012

House of the Devil

Ti West’s 2009 “House of the Devil” builds up a slow buildup of suspense, which is different from todays newer style of horror what has non-stop action which is very fast cutting and lots of gore involved. This old-fashioned approach makes “House of the Devil” admirable in my view, and its something that I would consider using in my production, because I feel as though building up tension is key and creates a good opening of a movie

The film portrays its 1980s. We want to use this particular time frame in our film because it’s a genuine horror movie era. In the 1980’s the  clothes and hairstyle is different from todays style so in our production, we’ll be using the “House of the Devil” as an inspiration of style.

The House of the Devil was made in the early 80's. This movie avoid ultra gore, sinister sound effects what are longitidual like in the film "Hide and Seek", digital effects. This movie is different from your average horror movie. The House of the Devil pulls of the 1980's look perfectly. The props are very influential such as the orange headphones, 80's coke cups and VHS and really pull you into the vibe of the era.

In the film the babysitter is home alone with creepy people running around, chaos follows and causes a lot of drama. The ending can be guessed as well, but this movie still has a refinement to it. Which could just be the pleasure of seeing something that isn’t done anymore, and seeing it done so well and seriously makes it more interesting and therefore this give us an inspiration to use that in our production however the movie lacks that hip and edgy  irony that seems to  make the audience watch films in todays youth.

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