Thursday 13 December 2012

Conventions in Hide and Seek

‘Hide and Seek’

Long corridors: In the film Hide and Seek there are many long shots of long corridors this is usually from a subjective camera view. This makes the audience feel as though they are slowly walking towards to door and creates dramatic tension. In Hide and Seek the door at the end of the corridor always leads to the bathroom (which is a common place for horror movies). When the character David first wakes up unexpectedly he slowly walks up to the bathroom, doing this it makes people think something is going to happen and creates a sense of suspension. When he opens the door nothing seems out of the ordinary but the non-diegetic music is still playing which shows that something is going to happen and that’s what makes the audience scared. When David moves the shower curtain he find his wife dead in the bath what is filled with her blood.

Sound:  The sound in Hide and Seek is essential as it’s the main part what creates all the tension and suspension within the film, its usually always playing throughout the film.  Non Diegetic sound is used and this is when the character cannot hear it. It’s generally  used to set the atmosphere for that certain moment  and can be vague at times. In the beginning of Hide and Seek, the daughter, Emily is with her parents at the park they’re all having a fun time and music is playing in the background however there’s something about the music what makes it seem different and strange, its almost as if its trying to hint to the audience something bad is going to happen soon, soon after 10 minutes into the film, the mother is found dead in the bathroom.
The non diegetic sounds are significant within horror films as they set the mood and the tension for the moment. Diegetic sounds are sounds that the characters can hear for example Emily gets given a jewellery box at the start of the film, Emily is a sinister character and the sound of jewellery box makes it more creepy than what it should be. Dripping taps are also used within Hide and Seek which is a typical horror convention and is  used in a lot of horror films.

Lightning: Horror films typically have dark lighting this suggest that there is loneliness and isolation in the film. At the start of Hide and Seek when Emily is playing outside with her mother, their clothing is significant because they are wearing bold clothing and what are also bright. The outside lighting is bright which is in the equilibrium, however as the film is in progress the lighting gets much more darker, and Emily and her father seem to wear darker clothing which are dull, this could suggest that neither of them are normal and don’t have a good bond together. The lighting becomes darker and sinister after the mother dies which shows that neither Emily of David (the father) wont get over the loss of the mother.

Remote isolated setting:  In the film Hide and Seek the setting of the house is on the outskirts of New York but there are not many bigger houses nearby.  However the house they live in is scarily big for 2 people to live in; it’s also set next to the woods and this suggests that Emily and David are very isolated from the rest of the others and society itself. Though before Emily’s mother died they lived happily in New York what generally has a bigger population., they moved away to a smaller unpopulated destination after she died which shows they might want to get away from the bad memories they have of her dying.
Male protagonist: David is the male lead of the movie Hide and Seek and he is also Emily’s father. Emily has what she calls an “imaginary friend” however at first David is unaware of who Charlie is and assumes that what Emily is saying is the truth – It’s only imaginary. David questions Emily a lot during the film and when  he found the writing on the bathroom wall he suspects Emily did it and also questions her on that too; after that event happened a lot more strange things start to happen. David starts to believe that Charlie is real but he doesn’t know who or where he is. Through out the film it becomes clear to the audience that David is Charlie. This is because David has a split personality (related to schizophrenia) which was kicked off after he found his wife having an affair at a New Years Eve party, so in conclusion it was actually David who caused all the murders and the event that took place in the film.  

Props:  A effective prop that was used, is the jewellery box and the music plays and because its horror movie, it seems very creepy and makes it seem as though something is going to happen. Throughout the film, creepy  toys what children use are effective. I know this because Emily has many dolls, her favourite doll is called “Alex” she takes the doll everywhere and anywhere she goes. After her mother dies and her father is taking her to bed, he realises that Emily no longer has the doll, when he questions her on why she hasn’t got it anymore, Emily states that she has a new friend called “Charlie”. The fact that Hide and Seek is using dolls is that its typically a familiar item that is considered safe however the movie makes the dolls seem scary and disturbing.  

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